Provide Help to the Helpless & Hope to the Hopeless

Provide Help to the Helpless & Hope to the Hopeless image




2023 Data

Your generous donations help UCM provide food, shelter (rent & utility assistance) & clothing assistance to those in our community who do not have the financial resources to meet their basic needs due to an unforeseen emergency.

2023 Data

3,283 families (8,083 individuals) received food assistance.

13,184.95 pounds of food were donated. We purchased $18,482.68 for pantry expenses.

$43,011.62 of rent assistance was provided to 116 families.

$49,33.14 of utility assistance (power, water, heat) was provided to 274 families.

Over 200 individuals received coats, blankets, gloves, hats, scarves & socks.

* Clients seeking financial assistance go through an extensive intake interview process. Checks for financial assistance are mailed to landlords and utility companies, not clients. *